Fort McMurray, AB, October 7, 2014: The Fort McMurray Airport Authority officially reopened the North Terminal today. The building originally opened in 1985 and operated as Fort McMurray’s primary airport terminal for over 29 years. The new International Terminal building which opened earlier this year allowed for this building to be repurposed exclusively for workforce charter traffic, corporate aviation and cargo.
Officially renamed to be the North Terminal, this facility will serve as a gateway to the region for workforce charter traffic generated by the bustling economy here in Fort McMurray. It will also support air cargo operations as the building will feature dedicated cargo depot, storage and sort space as well as ramp space for cargo freighters.
“The North Terminal will provide first class facilities for our workforce charters, enhance facilities for business aviation and general aviation customers at the Airport, and improve the quality of services currently provided to these user groups,” says Scott Clements, President & CEO of the Fort McMurray Airport Authority.
Workforce travelers account for approximately 20% of YMM passengers annually or about 250,000 people. The North Terminal will accommodate the fixed based operations for charter carriers including Enerjet, North Caribou, Canadian North, and Flair Air. The terminal will continue to provide retail, food and beverage and car rental services onsite.
The North Terminal is located on Snow Eagle Drive formerly known as Airport Road.
For Media Interviews Contact:
Ashley Kowalewski
Communications Coordinator, Fort McMurray Airport Authority
P: 780-793-7544 C: 780-370-9131